The story of Verier began with a diagnosis of multiple allergies resulting in extremely reactive skin, and the harrowing journey that ensued as a result of having to change every single personal care product in my regimen.

Beauty is about bringing people together. It’s about a personal connection and it’s a powerful medium for self-care. 

Today, more than ever, we need one-on-one interactions in an honest open forum. After years of searching for skincare soothsayers, knowledgeable across concerns, brands, products and ingredients, we set out to create a platform that gives you insider access to Verified beauty experts who can advise on the best products and services for you. 

You can learn as much or as little as you want or need. Because, there are too many:

  • Brands  

  • Products - is it natural? Is it organic? Is it vegan? Does it matter?

  • Ingredients - half of which no one understands or can pronounce.

  • Protocols - the face oil goes on after the moisturizer not before? 

 And not enough time.

Our hope is that providing real-time access to the best-of-the-best beauty pros will help you navigate the enigmatic skincare landscape and build the foundation for your ideal self-care routine, from the comfort of your own home. 

Whether you are seeking product recommendations, tools, ingredient interpretation, skincare advice or just a place to vent, you’ll have a place to go without going anywhere.

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“To love beauty is to see light.”

— Victor Hugo